HOUSES IN CHILE / CHILEI HÁZAK By Riell [project:Home] in ház, house 14:22 6 This post is for my dear friend, Graciela. Enjoy your day! Photos from ház house Related PostsBUNNY RUN BOAT DOCK / BUNNY RUN CSÓNAKHÁZINDOOR PONDS / TAVAK A LAKÁSBANHOUSE PLANS / HÁZTERVEKCOZY SCANDINAVIAN / OTTHONOS SKANDINÁV
Tetszik. Főleg az a tetőterasz.:P
VálaszTörlésGondoltam. :P
VálaszTörlésThe colorful houses are in Valparaíso, 15 minutes away from my hometown (Viña del Mar)... they are beautiful... and they're part of the urban renewal has taken place in the hills of Valparaíso, mainly in "Cerro Alegre" ^_^
VálaszTörlésthanks my dear friend!!! :-)
I've chosen that first house because I know it is close to you. ;)
VálaszTörlésHope you find your beautiful home soon, and send some picture of it!
well, we got a bunch of work to do :)
VálaszTörlésyes, but have to dream on too :)